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How tolerant are you of your bf/gf's cel phone usage?

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While they are on a date with you that is?


I don't mean talking on it but checking and responding to texts. My bf's usage with it comes in ebb and flow and its hit a point where I'm about to say dude, its me or the phone.

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Been there. I should have opened my mouth, but didn't. Next time it's either me or the phone!

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With people I dated i don't think I've noticed. :o because I'm always on my phone...on loveshack

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I've noticed with my bf sometimes, but i try to look past it. we are past the "Dating stage" and are living together, and i trust him, we don't have much time in the evenings and he is allowed to check up with his pals, just as I wouldn't want him to stop me from doing the same.


Mind you, if we are out at a dinner, i wouldnt like him to do it for long. Unless something important pops up.


it's the world we live in, i think we all need to have a bit of tolerance unless he is on it ALL the time.

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Intolerant. If you are out with me, pay attention to me. I understand about work or needing to check in at home but that should be brief, no scrolling through social media, constantly checking in etc.



What's that line? cell phones bring us closer to people far away but increase the distance between us & the person next to us.

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I should preface by saying we're 4 months into seeing each other. Still buggers the nerves off of me.

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Intolerant. If you are out with me, pay attention to me. I understand about work or needing to check in at home but that should be brief, no scrolling through social media, constantly checking in etc.



What's that line? cell phones bring us closer to people far away but increase the distance between us & the person next to us.

I agree with this 100%


Even when I'm out with the girlies, my phone doesn't come out of my purse....I find it rude to see it on the table...so hate it. I don't give a rat's butt who post what on instagram.....I'm there to chat, catch up, enjoy a couple of cocktails.


if I was single and dating, my date on his phone.... it's a Bubb-bye

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I don't put up with it from anyone when I'm out spending time with them. It's just rude. My old friend came to town. Hadn't seen her in 20 years and her stupid sister in law kept intruding, even though she'd told her she would be busy, the car ride to the restaurant, and then was still calling and/or texting after we sat down to visit for the first time in 20 years. I told her, "Are you going to let her keep interrupting our only visit in 20 years??" She stopped answering. I just don't see the problem with why people think all texts/calls require an immediate response. I am not a slave to my own phone and am not about to be to someone else's. I don't see the point of being with them if their head is somewhere else.

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Mostly intolerant. I can understand if she is polite enough to say something along the lines of, "do you mind if I send this text quickly?" Sometimes plans need to be solidified or other important things come up.


Any social media browsing is unacceptable unless we are relaxing at home or in another situation that can similarly be classified as down-time.


My ex and I would discuss and agree on no-phone time, for instance if we were watching a movie together.

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I guess it depends on if you are out on a date, or just together. I mean if you are at a point in dating where you are spending half or most of your free time together it isn't realistic to not do anything with your phone during all that time. But sure if you are out somewhere on a date, you shouldn't be checking your phone constantly. Goes for friends as well.

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Space Ritual

I had a date with woman last year who in the middle of dinner excused herself from the table because she said "I have to take this". Then she did it twice more and was texting on her phone with it on her lap while i was trying to get to know her better.


I found out enough about her that finally I was so pissed off I politely excused myself to go to the bathroom and pulled the "Dine and Ditch" on her and left the restaurant, and her with the bill.

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I find it strikingly awkward. When you are with your SO, special attention should be placed on her/him. My ex rarely used her phone and I loved it. When we were together we ALWAYS talked to one another. In fact, I have only dated one woman who seemed to find it difficult to put down her phone and she only lasted a second date. Ugh...and oh, don't care what stage you are in your relationship.

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I think if you have reason to think there will be a call you are expecting and need to take, then you tell your date or companion in advance. "I'm expecting a call I need to take, so I hope you don't mind if I leave my phone on." But then don't go taking every call and just take the one you need to.


Like when I go with my best friend who has kids, she's real good about it and will check real quick to be sure it's not important but not let her kids or husband just completely hijack her girl's lunch, and usually doesn't text them back until we're back in the car coming home.

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viatori patuit

Phones happen. Whatever, if you want me to look at the top of your head fine by me. Might not last though.

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I guess if it's related to work and kids , then is the only time it's acceptable. Checking social media is as good as being on date with the phone.

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I'm a few months out from where you are and BF has been doing it on me. I don't mind like when we're getting ready in the morning because I talk longer. But I do mind it when he pulls it out at a restaurant and starts reading when I'm sitting there. I just pull mine out or walk away from the table (to check out stuff in the restaurant). Walking away has been the only thing to get his attention.

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I ended an OLD date thirty five minutes in because her phone never left her hand. That was a long, obnoxious thirty five minutes. She walked into the coffee shop and was texting at the same time. I abruptly told her I didn't feel well and walked out. Of course, I got a text message from her asking if I was "ok".

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I guess if it's related to work and kids , then is the only time it's acceptable. Checking social media is as good as being on date with the phone.


Yes. Kids and work. That's assuming that any incoming calls or messages are *necessary*

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Shining One

I'm fairly tolerant. I used to work an on-call job for years, so I was somewhat required to be glued to my phone. I had various system logs that came to my phone every 30 minutes that needed to be viewed.


My girlfriend used to be glued to her phone almost every time we sat down at a restaurant. It didn't bother me for a while, but I eventually asked about it. Apparently, she was looking up things on the menu. She was too embarrassed to ask me, so she turned to her phone. She still uses her phone while at restaurants, but only for whatever diet tracker application she's using and communication involving her kids.

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