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are we too opposite?

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just another guest

hi everybody i am like so stuck with this problem and just do not know what to do. this is with my boy friend of over two years. he is colleg educated and i am only GED a long time ago. he had two parents growing up and i had one. he is smart and personable and professional. i am not so bright, shy and i have a meanil labor job. he is quick with words to put me in my place when he is angry and uses (i think) anger to control me some times. i am passive/aggressive and have no real verbal attacks to throw back to defend my self with so i use passive/aggressive in stead. he dresses up and owns suits and dress clothes. i own t-shirts, sweats and jeans and one pair of dress pants, and shoes and a nice dress jacket. he is clean and neat. i am messy and i do not notice when he thinks something is messy so we argue about this. he is active. i am content to sit and watch television. he likes to party. i like to go to bed and get my beauty rest. he has friends. i have none. he enjoys beer. i drink pop. he likes to cook. i do not like to cook. he does not like animals. i love animals. he may want kids some day. i want none. well you get what i mean right? do you think there is hope for us? how? what?

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Well to begin with it sounds like you're selling yourself short.


You've made him out to be this guy who can do no wrong and been pretty hard on yourself.


Opposites often do attract...... but in this case I wonder if your boyfriend's verbal attacks on you have made you believe that you're not good enough for him?

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