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Asking for some words to send...Final words..

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For the last three months after..i have been strung along because it felt good..and i belive strongly as a back up plan..I would like to send her a final message before i total lose all her contact info..n block her out of my life.. can i have some ideas as i have trouble expressing this type of thing..

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If she hasn't been answering your messages, there's no point in writing her one last message, or any message. It will make you look bitter and desperate.

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I am sure there are a million and one things you'd like to say to her, so write them down, and then put the letter away for good. Dispose of it, burn it, whatever you feel like doing.


However, I think the thing that will speak the most loudly to her is SILENCE. Silence speaks volumes. This would be an appropriate time for that, and let THAT be your closure.

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