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straight but sexual dreams about gals - anybody else?

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I'm straight, although I enjoy looking at good-looking women and men alike. Well, last night I had a dream about this girl. I don't know if the fact that I think she's going out with my ex had anything to do with it. Either way, I have high regard for her in real life (despite the ex thing). But in my dream........, she danced with me, and kissed me, and held me, and I was feeling GREAT, and just vaguely worrying about how I'd tell my parents, but generally feeling like i've come home or something, like everything made sense all of a sudden.


So I was wondering if others have sexual dreams about ppl of their gender? (Or other gender if you're not straight).



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Im not sure if youre worried that you think you might be bisexual. I too have the same type of dreams and am not gay. I do find both women and men attractive as well. I dont think that its anything to worry about...and in fact if you think its something that you would like to try I dont think that is bad either. Have fun with it. :p

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Oh yeah. If 1% of the stuff that I dreamed about actually came true, I'd be in prison with AIDS...or dead.

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I've had all sorts of crazy dreams. Sometimes I'm even a guy who looks at other girls. If you ask me, it's your subconcious talking to you. Like...have you ever looked at a gorgeous girl and wished you looked just like her? You find her extremely sexy...even though you aren't gay. I think that it is just your desire to look beautiful like her. :bunny:

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For some reason i don't seem to have sexual dreams, atleast i don't remember in the morning :rolleyes:.


Does everyone else have these sorts of dreams?

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Hi Yes,


I'm a straight woman and must admit, I have had the odd sexual dream involving girls (although my partner was there too). I was a bit surprised when I woke up, but I guess we can act out all kinds of fantasties in our dreams...things we might never do in real life! I don't have that many sexual dreams though...perhaps that is a shame!

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