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How do I spoil her?

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Hello, How would I spoil my girlfriend. I mean we are together. Would I need to spoil her to show I love her.

How do people want to be spoiled? I compliment on her beauty but because she is. I need to do someother things, Do I just go spend hundreds of dollars on her to spoil her??

Help me please

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Hi Mac,


Here are ways (they're my generalised views tho):


When she talks, pay all of your attention on her and ask her questions to show you're interested.


If she's an affectionate type, be affectionate toward her.


Give her a kiss and a smile just "out of the blue".


Send her a msg saying "Just thinking of you"


Give her a small gift of something she passed comment on that she liked and means something to her.


Cook her a special meal.


Go to a movie, when deciding what to see, tell her it's her choice.


Smile a lot to show you're happy in her company.


Make her smile if she appears down.


Be her friend and her rock.


Find out what's important to her and acknowledge them.


Show her you respect her thoughts and ideas.


If you want to spoil her 'materially' buy her a lil bit of jewelry "just because"...


They're just some ideas. Not sure if they'll help, but hope they do.


Love and light,


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This certainly does help! I definately will spoil her in the small ways. I might have overlooked some open doors to spoil her. Now, I really have to be on my feet and listen more attentively.


Thank you,




"Daily, Love your true self and you will receive true love back"-- Mac

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Originally posted by UCFKevin

If a girl requires you to spend a lot of money on her to spoil her, say g'bye.


Totally agree. I'd take a good foot rub over diamonds any day. Well.... yeah, okay, I would take the foot rub! I can buy diamonds later!



Another way to connect with her, maybe not spoiling exactly, is to communicate with her. Most of the people I know respect a man who will share some thoughts and feelings with them and ask their opinion on things sometimes. Oh, and let her have the TV remote sometimes too! :)

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Originally posted by UCFKevin

The day a man parts with his remote control is the day pigs fly.


Oooh look! Did you see that? [color=olive]whoosh [/color] There it goes again! Wait, let me press Mute so you can hear it better -- it that a 'plink' 'plink'? No, more an 'oink' maybe?! :bunny::bunny:







I manage to wrestle the remote from my husband sometimes, but he gets really fidgety if its not in his hand!

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hah! he's parted from the dang thing when you've hidden it from him!!!


purrrfection has a wonderful list to draw from. My favorites, though are the hugs and hand-holding in public.


also really, really nice is being in the bathtub and having DH scrub my back for me, then offer to shampoo my hair. Doesn't happen very often, so it's a treat.

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I can't really explain it. I think it's in our genes. We HAVE to have the remote.


We men have the ability to tell you what's on each channel even if we're skipping through the channels at lightspeed.

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Foot rubs and back rubs are great.


A bubble bath surrounded with scented candles.


A new CD with her favorite kind of music...or something totally new that she would have never thought of, something soft and sexy.


A picnic in the park or a trip to the zoo.

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But don't spoil her too much! When one does, sometimes unfort. it can b taken for granted.


The essential ingredients to making someone feel needed and appreciated are: respect, admiration, consideration, attention, devotion... all done with a smile...


Ppl can even unintentionally take that for granted...


I think it's an even balance of the above mixed with a bit of reservation (u gotta have a lil upper hand in there somewhere so they know they can't walk all over u)...


Enjoy ur love,


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