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We all want to be loved and until we find real love we will be hurt sometimes. Nobody is immune. And even when we find real love, there can be hurt to...of a different kind.


If you desire to slide through the love part of your life unscathed, you're better off getting a dog and staying away from human beings.


As you date, get to know men, and become a better judge of character, you'll likely be able to spot problems before the hurt can happen. If you date enough losers, you'll one day get sick of them and change your criteria.


Most of all, if you develop a high self esteem and expect men who will love you and care about you, that is precisely the kind of men you will attract.


Very often we start a vicious cycle in which we are hurt and begin to tell ourselves that every man or woman we fall for will hurt us...and that becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. It keeps happening and with each experience, we become more convinced that real love is not out there for us.


Your thoughts and your mind create your reality for you. Change the way you think, expect very positive results from the relationships you form, and that will become your reality and what happens for you in your life.


Incidentally, every aspect of your life is determined by your thoughts. Walt Disney didn't develop such a huge empire by thinking he was just going to build a merry-go-round. He thought BIG and his results were BIG. You have to think positive to get positive results.


Good luck. Changing the way you think is sometimes not very easy, especially when past experiences tell you something different...but I promise, it does work.

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Thanks Tony for replying to me....it meant a lot that you took the time to do that. It also made a lot of sense to me what you said. I printed it off so I can put it in my bathroom...so I can read it everyday....thanks once again...have a merry christmas.....


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