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weight gain

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Over the past two yrs my b-friend has gained about 85lbs. most of this is from the huge amounts of beer he drinks. He has a huge beer belly! He went from a lean 180 up to 260, and it is not attractive. I want him to loose weight, but dont know how to approach it. Any suggestions?


Am I being too picky to want a man that is physically attractive when everything else is right? Should I just try to get over it and love him no matter how big he gets?


My dad is really huge and I always told myself I wouldn't be able to stand having a husband that is so big. Now it seems as though I may be making that decision.



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Hmm.....this is a tough one. Everyone knows that while looks shouldnt be a reason to leave someone, they do play some kind of role in attraction, sex, etc. My advice is to politely reveal his weight issue to him, and offer to help. Don't just say "your fat and I'm not attracted to you anymore" because that will really depress him...or piss him off. Tell him you prefered when he was leaner, and that you'll help him lose weight. I dont know, maybe I'm wrong, but as a guy thats what I would want.

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Thanks, I agree with your tactic.


I have never known anyone to loose weight permanantly. Growing up I constantly saw my dad struggle with his weight and go from fat to big to huge, ect. I dont want to watch my guy go thru that, I want him to be happy. and if he is happy big, so be it. So you see, while I prefer him without the big belly, I would rather he have it and be happy than not have it and be struggling to stay thin. Like any other addiction, food is something that the person has to deal with themselves.


He knows what he should eat, he has lost wieght before on a healthy diet and thru exercise. He is currently choosing not to go that route. I will try to bring it up again to him and see how I can help, if he wants help...

Hmm.....this is a tough one. Everyone knows that while looks shouldnt be a reason to leave someone, they do play some kind of role in attraction, sex, etc. My advice is to politely reveal his weight issue to him, and offer to help. Don't just say "your fat and I'm not attracted to you anymore" because that will really depress him...or piss him off. Tell him you prefered when he was leaner, and that you'll help him lose weight. I dont know, maybe I'm wrong, but as a guy thats what I would want.
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Talk to him about this. Suggest that he start eating healthy and doing some exercise.


You two could goto the gym together or go jogging/walking everyday. And everytime you two eat a meal, make sure it's a healthy one and eat small portions of it. Even if you're skinny and in excellent shape, by eating healthy with him and exercising with him, it'll help him out also.


He doesn't have to "struggle" to stay thin. And he will probably be happier withOUT the big belly. Almost everyone feels better about themselves when they look and feel more attractive. It may be tough at first to get used to exercising and eating healthy meals, but once he gets the hang of it, it will get much easier.


All I know is that if I was staying in shape and making sure that I looked attractive for my boyfriend, I would expect the same in return. And if he cared about the relationship and about how I wanted him to look, he would have no trouble at least TRYING to get back in shape.

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