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Why do my kids seem more relaxed when only one parent is around?


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My children (d14/s12) fight constantly, which is normal enough I suppose. But they can also both be very defiant, my daughter more than my son. I struggle to get them to do basic chores like cleaning their rooms, unloading/loading the dishwasher/laundry etc.... It seems it is always a fight.


On Saturday, my husband left for Trucking School. Since then, the kids have been getting along (Better, not totally) have not fought me on doing chores, my son made dinner the night before last, my daughter unloaded the dishwasher two days in a row, and my son loaded them. My son did his laundry last night on his own, my daughter wasn't late getting up for school and actually had a rested half smile on her face when I dropped her off.


My husband says things are great when I'm away too. I love it, but I am confused about the change in attitudes when one parent is away. Is this normal? Does anyone else experience this?

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Okay, well they're learning to fight somewhere. I liked it better when my parents weren't both home because of their fighting or the potential for a fight. It is not normal for parents to LET their kids whip up on each other and constantly bicker. Yes, they will try it, but it's up to you and your husband to show a united front and set a good example, and tell them it needs to stop or they will lose privileges. Kids don't enjoy fighting with each other.

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