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DD Gone for the summer


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My DD left a week ago for 8 wks. This is our 2nd summer away from each other. Last summer she came home 3 wks early so was only gone for 5. Tonight she called and even though she was telling me all the neat things she had done last week, I could hear her holding back her tears....I asked her what was wrong and she said she misses me....it was all i could do not to sob...but i told her i missed her too...and we talked about last summer how it was really hard the first 2 wks and then it got easier...and then we talked about the cool things she's doing this week. She wanted to talk to her friend but she wasn't home so I said I'd call on Thur with her friend...


When I got off the phone I broke down sobbing....For the last week I have avoided my house like the plague...my housework and bills have piled up...tonight though i paid the bills...


Last year we moved and so I'm in a new house and am just beginning to make friends...so my usual support is hundreds of miles away...even though i have family an hour away...it's not the same...


I miss her sooooooooo much....will I ever get used to summers?

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Oh, I'm sorry you feel so lonely. I'm assuming she is with your ex. I know how hard that can be.


I think you should try and prepare for the summers a little better if you can. Maybe try to do some things you can't really do when she is there. Like take a class, or a trip to somewhere she wouldn't be interested in going on.


I kind of look forward to my daughter going to be with my ex sometimes, so my husband and I can catch up on the all the R rated movies we've missed. ;)

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yes, she is with the ex..


Lonely is definitely the key word...last year I had my friends and so the summer went by fast.... and this year I had plans that would have kept me quite busy and then some things happened that put a major kink in my plans....Logically I know the first 2 wks are the hardest...I work so my week goes by quickly...I just wish I didn't mind coming home...I hate procrastinating on my chores...but when I feel yucky my chores are the last thing I want to do....


This week hasn't been so bad as I knew I had to take care of things because I have a trip planned for the 4th...


I talked to her again tonite...and she was so cute.

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I am so sorry to intrude, but what is a DD? Is there a list somewhere of the different abbreviations?

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DD is an abbreviation for daughter. It stands for "dear daughter".

DH, DS, DD, DW: Dear husband, dear son, dear daughter, dear wife


Oh good, I'm glad you have a trip planned for the 4th. My daughter is gone this time of year too. We don't ever get to spend 4th of July together. :(


I procrastinate about housework all the time. :p But, I do it even more, if I don't think there's any reason to keep things clean, like nobody home but me.


Try to keep busy though, so you don't get down in the dumps. :)

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