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Too late to come clean and then go NC?

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I've been NC w/ my ex since we split two weeks ago. Long story short we had been going out for 3+ months (dated a total of 4.5), I had been on prozac since my breakup last year from old ex. The prozac killed my sex drive and made it very difficult to even get it up. So I decided to stop cold turkey. Bad move, my mood took a nosedive and I was constantly anxious.


She started to distance herself and after about 3-4 weeks of that I ended it, but I felt she was about to anyway. So she has been talking to her old ex, and seeing him occassionally. I have never told her about the prozac or how it affected before or after I stopped taking it. I feel like I need to tell her this before I can move on. Yes I know there's a certain risk of add'l rejection, but I was just planning on emailing her and telling her to not bother replying. OK this all sounded like a great idea a couple hours ago but now I'm not so sure.


I wish I would have come clean about the whole thing months ago when things were going great between us. As soon as I went off prozac I started getting anxious and she started pulling away. If I could have admitted that I was on it and not felt pressured to get off it right away (so we could have sex) then I could have gradually weaned myself off it the right way (gradually over time). When I was taking it I was so confident and relaxed, when I stopped I started being nervous all the time and down in the dumps... that's what quitting cold turkey can do to you. Anyway I would just feel a lot better if she knew why I changed and why I did it, as well as why I was having sexual problems. Bad move?????

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Yernasia Quorelios

Just go ahead. You having nothing to lose. In the worse case scenario, i.e. if there is added rejection, the only consequence is that you will feel bad for a little bit longer than otherwise would have been the case.

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It all depends what you want. Do you really want her back? Is she worth it?


If so, I don't think it is such a bad idea to tell her why. Prozac is an awesome drug but alas, it does have side effects whilst coming off it. As any fule kno, mood changes are inevitable and a good understanding person would listen to you with sympathy.


It all depends what you mean to her. Was she upset when you broke it off? How much is her old ex a part of her life? All these questions need answering first before you make any decision. It can be scary approaching exes and many do not. They just walk away quietly.


Shame really. I think you should write her an email and tell her why your mood dropped and ask her to understand.


Also, why couldn't you have sex while on prozac? I've never had a problem doing so and I've been on prozac more times than than I've had hot dinners!

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