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My ex wants to send his family to go pick up his stuff at my place?

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My ex is in jail and he is bothering me because he wants me to give all his stuff to his family. (I broke up with him a couple weeks ago). His dad keeps harassing me and sending me threatening messages that he's going to come to my apartment to get it and that he'll even break in if he needs to. They're also saying that they'll send someone here that "I won't like" to get it?? Whatever that means. He wants to send his dad and grandfather to get his things. Here's the thing though...his dad is disabled and is in a wheelchair and his grandfather has to walk with a cane. I live in an apartment and there is no way they would be able to carry his stuff out this place. I refuse to help move anything because of the stuff he's done to me in the past. I won't take the time to help him. He's left me in a very bad situation and I had to leave school to work full-time, look after our child, and have all the responsibilities placed on me now because he went to jail. He also treated me terrible before he went to jail. So I have no desire to help him out and move his things out. I think he either needs to send someone here that is capable of carrying the things down THEMSELVES or he can come pick his stuff up once he gets out of jail whenever that may be. Am I being reasonable??? What should I do in this situation.

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Contact the local police (if you are in the US) and explain to them that your ex, that is now in jail, has items at your residence and that he and his family are harassing and threatening you about the retrieval of said items.


They may contact them and tell them to cease contacting you. Also, they may be able to provide an officer to be there when his family does come to retrieve personal items to make sure there are no incidents.

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1) Let the Thug Family come and get this stuff and have a LEO present on civil standby to make sure things go smoothly.


2) If #1 isn't an option, move the stuff to a storage facility, pay one month's rent, and mail his family the key.

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Turning point

I don't think you want to let anyone into your apartment unsupervised, or while you are alone.


Drop by the police station and ask for some guidance.

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