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ex unblocked me after 3 months No Contact..

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My ex and I broke up on April 7 of this year. Can't get into details. She broke up with me. We were together 18 months never argued but apparently she met someone else and she broke it off with me.

So I went No Contact. for real..Not one text, phone call, no begging pleading. The problem in our relationship is that she didn't think I tried hard enough.

Anyway I have told my story to 4 really good online relationship coaches and they all think I should stay No Contact.

I have been told I'm a good looking guy etc and my ex and got along really well but I think she carried a lot of baggage when it came to me "being there" for her. So onto the last "situation"


when she broke it off with me she blocked me on facebook right away. I had sent her a letter explaining why I went into no contact for 2 weeks. I felt she was pulling away and thought it best to take a step back. It backfired.


It's been 3 months almost to the day. I am very active of facebook since I'm a musician and semi famous. So I'm blocked. I know because she commented on a lot of my profile pics and her comments are blacked out. Until Monday night. I uploaded pics of me from a gig I was at and in particular 2 pics of me and a girl having fun. I tagged myself and those pics went to the top of the page. Long story short I uploaded them at 11 pm and at 1 am my ex unblocked me! There must have been an informant relaying the message to my ex. What does this mean and should I stay no contact?

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Stay NC. You should be blocking her as well.


There is no reason to contact her.


She dumped you and blocked you immediately.


Who on earth would you want that drama back?

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Meh, stay No Contact and move along.


Mature people use words to express their interest, not a social media click. She might just have been curious to see who the other girl was. Don't read into it. Unless and until she gets in touch with you with meaningful communication, it's nothing.

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She ‘met’ someone else and ended it with you. Where’s your self respect? Block her and move on.

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Very normal for this to happen, same thing happened to me. A woman ended it with me, but kept looking at me at work. I asked her out to dinner, she said no. So I asked another woman out to dinner straight away, and she said yes.


NC with the first one, 3 months later she wanted me back. I wasn't interested, she'd just dump again so what was the point? If she wanted me, she shouldn't have dumped me. Simple.


You've got new business and women opportunities, the world is opening up for you. Don't take her back, she'll set you back.

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I think you should stay No contact. My ex broke up with me in an awful away, I did not have self esteem so when he contacted me again I took him back and 2 months later he broke up with me in an even more awful away. I regretted so much breaking no contact.

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