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Giving Him Up

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I've been dating this guy on and off for a year. It was problematic since the beginning. We're both extremely attracted to each other but he didn't want to stay in the US. He said I could see other people because his main focus was his business. I'm in my early thirties and have never met anyone that I felt that I could get married and have kids. It's actually a great feeling, he expresses the same thing sometimes. Telling me that when he sees a little kid he thinks about me. But each time we discuss something serious he clams up and shuts down. He recently told me that he loved me (after 6 months of not). I love him dearly. I tried dating other people but just haven't quite found anyone I like as much as I like him. I'm lost and unsure what to do.

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Well from what you mentioned, you said that things were problematic between the two of you. You also stated that he doesn't want to stay in the U.S. So to even try to make this relationship work, you would have to 1:Move to where he is 2: Have a LDR or 3:End this relationship. He also said that you can date other people because his main focus is business. To me this shows that he's not even trying to work things out because he seems to be nonchalant about the idea of you finding someone else to be with. His priority is his business, so he probably won't have any time for you. Yes, he may have told you that he loves you, but actions speak louder than words. Does he show you that he loves you? And if he truly does, he should be trying to make things work out in some way, shape, or form.

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From what you wrote, I don't think he loves you. If he did, you would see some semblance of effort.


If you want to heal and move on I suggest reading the No Contact Guide at the top of this section. When your feelings for him are purged after no contact, you'll find that you can appreciate other men. I really believe that.


Stay strong.

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