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Sundays are the worst. Just so bored and lonely. No motivation to do anything. Such a big piece is missing. We did everything together for nearly 3 years. So many memories. Feel like shyte today!!!

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I feel the same way sometimes when going out at nights doesn't seem to be working, but what I've noticed that works is not contemplating on the situation and the emotion at all - I go out for a walk or a jog. Sometimes clean an area in my apartment or do home work outs (which have been very helpful with switching my moods to a happy one lol). It can be very lonely, but I don't let myself drown in it because I know it won't get me anywhere but of course, there are times that it feels like it can't be resisted and I don't stop myself from feeling that loneliness but I make sure I pick myself up again the next day. :-)

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I understand where you're coming from. It's the whole weekend for me. When I'm at work I'm ok, it takes my mind off it, but when I'm just at home, the sadness takes over. Try to keep busy, I know it's the last thing you want to do, but it helps. Too much time to think takes you to a sad place. I wish you well.

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When I am at work, I am face biting the bullet everyday because him and his new girlfriend work across the street from me.


When I come home, It's hard because my home is where I either clear my mind or think about the thoughts going thru my head. Unfortunately, I torture myself since this all happened.


Weekends suck. Period.


Only thing that helps is surrounding yourself with people who show you how important you are to them. I took a few hours to visit grandma on saturday, met up with friends on sunday. Seriously, it's hard but I have to

surround myself with people I care about or I would began to feel it's the end of the world.


Plan ahead if you have to that way you have something to look forward too.

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Get in the gym, use this situation as motivation. A better body leads to a better mind, and exercise really is the best medicine for sadness/depression.

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Get in the gym, use this situation as motivation. A better body leads to a better mind, and exercise really is the best medicine for sadness/depression.




Now is the time to lean on family and friends as well. They may eventually get tired of your "gloom and doom" attitude, but they are your family and they will support you while you get through...



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This is exactly how I felt all weekend. A crushing loneliness that I don't think I have ever felt before, even after other breakups. I know everyone says not to stay home and feel sad, but getting out and seeing happy people, especially couples, actually makes me feel worse. So I really don't know what to do on the weekends.


Back at work today and feeling somewhat better...

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