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Ugh Still Miss Him!!!!!!!!!

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just when i thought iw as doing ok with my ex..i begin missing him again..why is this so hard?? i wanna call him yet i know if i do ill be back at square one..today was 5th day no contact, ebven though i saw him at school and we kinda talked cuz he gave me my book back..



im talking to some new guy on the phone..i thought it would help..but it doesnt..i keep mentioning my ex:( not only that but i dont feel happy or comfty talking to another guy...its so different then talking to my ex, with my ex we used to talk for hours..adn the convo just flowed naturally...here with this guy so many pauses and its weird and awkward:( makes me miss my ex...ughhhhh!!!!!


this sux big time..i feel so alone!!!!!!!!! why doesnt he call???? or why didnt he try to say sorry today when he saw me?? do i jsut have to keep my fake? and keep acting like i dont care?? will that even work??

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Drug addicts struggle to get the poison out of their system. Your ex was no different. He's poison.

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yea its hard at first..but eventually with time you get over it. It took me almost 3 months. But i know if i see him ill start all over again

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