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Should I wait to hear from him?

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You think your going crazy, he's all you think about, you can't eat, sleep, and it's hard to function. You can't get your answers from them so you go searching for advice through different channels. This is how I found myself here on this site. I have read so much advice an did I listen.... NO!!


First my story....


We were childhood friends that lost contact. We just ran into each other one day, very brief, a hug how's life? Married? Kids? Conversation lasted no more then 5 mins. That day I prolly didn't think twice about him, but by fate we just kept running into each other. We ended up exchanging numbers and nothing really came of it for a few months. Then one day it just kind of changed we talked more and more, started hanging out together 5 nights a week, then the thoughts "I wonder what it would be like to kiss him (I will keep it rated G) crept in my mind. Long story short he won my heart and we got serious.


Well see the thing is it was a stressful last couple months. He has been under a lot of strain. He decided to take a chance quit his job, but the chance didn't work out. So he's left not working.it didn't bother me, I believed in him and saw the hard working man he was and his talents, but we didn't talk about it either. It was a stress for him. On top of all this he is the best man in his best friends wedding and he planned an elaborate, over the top getaway bachelor party for this weekend. He wants the party to be perfect, let's just say everyone put money in, but the money is tight.


So almost two weeks ago he became distant, gave him a couple days, no pressure acted like everything was fine, but I broke and let on that I felt something was up. He pretty much said he felt lost on life and confused bout us. I gave him space without him asking for a few days and then I contacted him again, and he broke up with me. It went in two directions one he said that he felt he was always apologizing, walking on egg shells, and the spark wasn't really sparking anymore.... Then it veered to how lost he felt and he needed to find himself....


So this is what my mind has been telling me. It can't be true, I've fallen for this man. It has to be stress, it's the end of the month bills are due, still doesn't know what to do with work and this big party is about to hit. I'm ok for a few days.... Not really hadn't slept, eaten, or functioned much but I didn't contact him. Then I made my first mistake I texted him, I told myself to believe he needed me, he was stressed, and not being in contact with me had to make it just as hard. Maybe he justed wanted to feel wanted. Well after texting him I became more confused. His responses were very brief, very distant, but in those responses I got hope that maybe I was right it was just stress. It also left me with more questions he got a text or two a day from me.


Well then today I asked if I could talk to him before he left he said sure but he was in a bad mood and leaving in 3 hrs. Well I called and I don't think I really got a word in. He was MAD! Oh and I'm left even more confused. I don't think I've ever heard him yell. I don't remember it all but I do know he was mad for not giving him space, that every time he looked at his phone and it was something from me it made him upset, and he didn't think I respected him for not giving him time to think. I remember all that because I read it in other peoples advice. I also wanted to make a point to all you people that were dumped and about to pick up the phone that in that brief 15 min phone call I got none of my answers I was searching for. I actually feel bad for calling!!


Now on to my confusion. This is where I seek answers from others. During this phone call he asked for space to think things through, he needed time, that his head was spinning, and he needed to figure out answers for himself. That this wasn't easy for him and that he was going through the same emotions I was. That maybe after this stupid party he could actually relaxe and take a breath and think about what he needed. The phone call ended with me asking if I would hear from him again.... He said yes


So I feel relaxed that I heard I would hear from him again, but I don't know when? I'm afraid that starting next week I will start looking at my phone looking for his call and that if he doesn't every day that goes by I will fall into a deeper and deeper hole until I stop believing he cares. Or that after what I've done this week with contacting him I ruined my chances. That no matter what I'm going to feel lost without him going through the emotions. Then I will get that phone call and it starts all over. Do I feel that he will call next week and everything will be ok and we're once again a happy couple.... No, but I also can't believe that it can just be over. As you can tell I'm just lost driving myself crazy with the unknown. Any advice on how to move forward with all that?

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Is this logical thinking?


That if he really cared, and no matter all that was going on at the moment, by now almost two weeks he would have missed me, and he would have wanted to make up. **** I can barely function and 95 percent of my day is thinking bout him. I know for the dumper it's hard for them cause they feel guilt for the way they are making you feel. I just don't get why they can't just tell u to f off....

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