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Ex Boyfriend is a complete nut case


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7 months ago me and my bf broke up. He moved to another state and later figured out he cheated on me and so on. 2 months went by and he decided to post me on a very famous website with lies and trying to slander me, saying very rude and hurtful things, that were untrue. Another 2 months went by and he hacked into my fb posting stupid things about abortions and I am a horriable friend ( Yeah I know ). He also hacked into my emails and sent emails to me pretneding to be a friend of mine who hacked into my computer, then he posted naked pictures of me with my phone number. He all so created fake fbs claiming to be a friend of mines girlfriend ( Which by the way is gay) and told me to stay away from her man. A month went by and he posted me online again on that website with claims about my brother who died from lukemia recently and my parents divorce, and me being adopted. I thought it would stop there but it didnt on this website you can also post comments and he had plenty to say from me being married ( Which isnt true), to stupid random stuff. It didnt stop there now I am getting unknown phone calls and other things. I finally sent him an email telling him to stop and what do you know its not him. I know its him, for one an email sent to him was posted on that website that he posted, but fine whatever. I dont understand this at all he cheated on me, is with the girl he cheated on me with, doesnt even live in the same state. Why wont he leave me alone? I dont understand. I cant take him to court because most of this stuff is actually legal and cant prove its him without the sites help. Cant have the posts removed I have sent 3 emails. Can someone please shed some light on this for me! Why the heck is he still doing this 7 months later?

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If you file a police report for stalking or harassment, the cops can get a subpoena for the website and get the ip address of whoever is posting that stuff. Then they can go to the internet provider and find out which customer the ip address belongs to.


Often times though, a simple phone call or visit to the suspect is all that is needed to get them to stop.

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