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Will I always have this curiosity?

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Every once in a while I'm curious what my ex thinks about me or about our breakup (or the fact that I'm dating his friend hehe). My ex and my current are still friends so my ex obviously has no issues with his friend dating me, we're all adults and I was the dumpee anyway. It's funny, I've been over my ex for months and months and I am well into my current relationship, which is a much better fit for me in all ways possible. If I were single, and my ex asked me out, I would tell him no.


Do any of you still get curious about your ex and his/her thoughts, even after you've moved on? For me, I think the reality is that he probably thinks nothing of it and so there isn't anything for me to be curious about. I think that when he told me he still had feelings for me when we broke up that he was just letting me down easy (we broke up due to distance).


Maybe it's just my ego, I think everyone likes to think that their ex has regrets and is kicking themselves for letting us go :) though honestly I wouldn't want my ex to feel that way forever... we were an okay match, but not good enough, so in the end breaking up was the right thing to do. Okay I will end my rambling thoughts here.

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