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Do I ignore his e-mail if I said I wanted to keep in contact?

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I made the mistake of breaking NC with my ex in December and sent an e-mail saying it would be nice to keep in occasional contact (which he replied to). Now that I've almost completely moved on, I have no interest in what he's up to. I don't want to update him, either, because he has made it obvious that he still misses me and is struggling to move on. He emailed me recently, and I don't know if I should just ignore it and hope he gets the idea, or tell him that I actually do not want to keep in contact after all? It feels rude to not tell him, yet I know I don't owe him any kind of explanation.

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It would show maturity and respect to explain to him that you don't want to be friends. Especially since it was you who requested occasional contact.

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