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Feeling Stuck

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My break up is long and gone. It all happened last year. My problem is that I feel stuck in that time period. It was my first relationship and I have not really moved on. I would like to meet someone new, but I find meeting people and dating difficult. I feel like because of that I often think back on my ex-boyfriend and miss him. Any suggestions on how to get out of this rut?


Thank you in advance.

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Yes. Accept that there's not reason to stay available for him and you have to start thinking about what you need: grieving. He's as good as dead to you.



That's good advice, but just like most of the advice people give, it's easier said than done. Moving on from someone you love is very hard. They still matter to you even if you don't matter to them anymore.


What have you done since your breakup? Have you made any new memories that you can draw upon for inspiration? Have you done anything to improve yourself? We need to get you out of this rut!

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I feel the same way.. mine happend about a year and two months ago and i still think about him every single day... I constantly replay conversations in my head good and bad.. this is helpful sometimes because when i reflect on some of them I said im crazy for wanting him back.. other times i think about good memories, i have dreams about him and i just want to reach out and call him..

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Sweetheart, you not getting over the one you have broken up is all in the mind... please note, the mind is very powerful. you can just try and stop thinking about the person. Keep yourself very busy, meet with friends etc this is my experience,

i broke up with him last month in an angry fit and then thought about it later and started calling and begging him to come back his answer was no. i was shocked because i had him in my pocket so to speak ;)

but guess what when i thought about all the things he did to me over the one year we were together only 5 months of the relationship was bliss the rest was agony, fights, insecurity, jealous fits etc. so i resolved that id rather be single and happy than with him and constantly angry, sad etc.

its been a month and hey ill not lie to you it was hard the first few days, i could not think, sleep, eat or anything i was always crying! :lmao: but through the help of fellow LSers and family, friends etc i came out of it really fast! and hey im much much better and i believe in God and that he has a reason for everything!

im NC but if he texts or calls i would answer but not immediately because it just messes up my day again. Rule of the thumb keep away from facebook or any social networks that you were on together! i blocked him.

I still love him a little but i dont allow him to consume my thoughts, anytime i feel this thoughts about him, i think of Jesus and pray.

Take it easy sweety it will all be fine. Ride the waves by the way, its essential to make you a better person and stronger.

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