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"Let Him Down Easy"

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I have been going out with a guy who's 2 years older than me (he is 19, making me 17). We have been going out for almost 5 months.


He is very immature, says a lot of stupid things in front of the wrong people. He bragged to my cousin that he smoked pot. He picks his teeth right next to me, and I'm sure the rest of the family has noticed it. He gags in front of me if he doesn't like the meal my mom made (which offends me, not just my mom.)


I've told him before about some of the inappropriate things he's said, and he just replies, "Sorry," and does it again. He underestimates me. He told me how to unfreeze my computer. i think most people know how to do that. I'm sure he's trying to make himself feel smart, cuz he knows I'm smarter, but it gets really annoying, cuz it sounds like he thinks I don't know.


I'm done with him, but he's dependent on me. I just want to be boyfriendless for the school year. I need to focus on my studies from now on, now guys. How do I "let him down easy" since he's really sensitive and hasn't figured out his "mind meds"?

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mind meds?


um, well, you tell him exactly what you just posted on here. it doesnt seem like he earned too much courtesy from you though...so just be plain and flat with him about it

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To know that you need to shed yourself of this guy. I'm not so certain that subtle hints or breaking up in a "nice way" will work on him though. Don't dawdle over this one and be quick about it. Something like that will probably work better.

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