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Break-up Comfort Food

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Since being dumped and went NC 9 weeks ago, I have been craving and eating large amount of pasta, bread, fried almost anything: chicken, fish, oysters, veggies... etc., and dark chocolate truffles. Kinds of food that I normally didn't care for before the break-up. Now I can't live without.


Do you also use food as comfort when sad and lonely? (In my case, I have also been in hate and angry.)

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My ex has put on a lot of weight and it was her who dumped me! I did the opposite, the day after she broke up with me, i did do the cliched thing and eat a tub of ben and jerrys, but since then, i have lost so much weight. My wrists have become so thin, and people have told me my face looks thinner. My ex noticed it when we first met up and was actually quite worried about me.


I think you should see the bigger picture. It might be comforting now, but why not use that hate and anger to do some exercise, because not only will that make you feel better with all the endorphins it will release, it will be good for you in the long run, improve your self-confidence and make you feel good and help you when you decide you want to move on from this guy and meet someone else...


I guess the reason you have changed your taste is that it is something which again takes your mind off the situation, it is something that you don't associate with the person (I know i will never eat scallops again because it will remind me of her so much, and they became my favourite food!)

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I always lose weight during a break up. I get so upset that the thought of eating makes me sick. I lost 50lbs during my divorce, I was so sick with grief.

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