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Still chasing the same girl.

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I met this girl just over a year ago, to me it started off great, she had just got out of a relationship with her ex of 7 years but acted very flirtatious and interested showing a lot of signals so I decided to ask her out on a date, her reply was she wasn't looking for anyone right now and she has her guard up, I didn't let that stop me so I still went the same, she backed off a little but came back and acted more flirtatious with me, so I did the same and asked her out again, she replied with "I think your great, but I don't see you in that way, I wish things could be different" I was quite let down by the situation as I've put relationships off for years.


After the second rejection, I still did the same, flirting with her, we would hang out pretty much every day and still do, even though I listened to her to begin with I decided to take everything in, and noticed she talks about her ex ALOT, one in every two days she does, so something inside me thinks she's not over him yet and isn't ready to move on.


Now, I put it all the back of my head and became close friends, and if something came of it, then so be it, didn't think to much into it and left it as it was.


She told me on a night out that she doesn't know what she would do without me, she trusts me a lot and confides in me. I didnt think about it until recently when a friend picked up on everything she did. We went on holiday together with a few other people, everywhere I went, she followed, if we went for a walk, she would walk beside me, brushing her hand against mine, follow me into shops and give advice on clothes that would suit me.


On the plane ride home we sat together, she asked me to watch the movie and insisted we shared headphones and when she got tired she fell asleep on me and was comfortable with me resting my head on hers.


I catch her starting at me all the time, she smiles at me all the time and even if my jokes arnt that funny, she laughs and I have her in hysterics quite often too.


I feel very strongly about this girl and she knows it, I backed off and she got closer, from what I've been told she's closer with me and spends more time with me than she did with her ex.


Some fresh advice would be greatly appreciated and I'm sure this topic is always floating around, but since I met her I've felt a spark and connection between us and 9 times out of ten, someone says we look like we're in a relationship.


But yeah, the balls in her court but from mine and a lot of others perspectives, she seems interested.


Any advice? Thanks :)

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I still think you're just stuck in the friendzone. I mean, she has told you that more than once. No reason not to believe her. She is leaning on you as girls often lean on their friends. She is probably hung up on her ex. There's really nothing you can do except start dating someone and see how she handles that. I certainly wouldn't ask her for a third time about it.

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You're her BFF, no doubt.


I'd break it off with her if you feel a romantic connection with her, because she doesn't see you that way in the least.

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Any advice? Thanks :)



Move on with your life. Live your life. Cook. If you don't know how, take a class or watch videos. Go work out 4x a week. Be productive. Meet new people. Read books. Hike. Go to a seminar. Go to church. Volunteer. Reconnect with an old friend. There's so much you can do.


Just don't sit there hoping for this girl to suddenly come around to you.


Sorry, but you are deep in the friend zone. Trust me, it sucks, I've been there too many times.


Go live your life. You can still be friends with her but you gotta be careful. If you can't handle it without getting emotional, then I suggest a clean break even if it's temporary.


Figure out your mission/purpose in life and go make it happen. Remember, girls are attracted to confident non-clingy guys who have drive and ambition.

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