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Never been so confuse(Mixed signals)

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I love people and socializing is a passion for me, so I am able to read and sense people's 'vibes' rather well, even when it comes to dating.


One of my close friends and I recently caught feelings for each-other; well I definitely fell hard for her, she just 'says' she did too.


I know her rather well (like I said she is a close friend). Since I've fallen for her (which I've admitted to her - face to face), things have been a little confusing.


She says that the feeling is mutual and even suggested ''giving this a go'' recently and naturally I agreed with a BIG smile on my face as I am crazy about her.


Then suddenly, and not long after the above occurrence (2-3 days) - BOOM! She doesn't text me often anymore (barely) and it takes ages for her to reply to my messages and answers with short, stern replies.


I told her I was very eager to see her soon recently and next thing she says is that she's booked 2 weeks off to go to festivals without me.


I am so confused, she has lost interest all of a sudden in a matter of hours? Part of me (the hopeful part) thinks that she IS interested and is playing games but another part of me thinks that she genuinely has no interest in me and perhaps never did.


I've never been so confused...

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Look, all you can do is ask her on a real date. Don't just expect her to, you now come over and sleep with you. Ask her on a date for once she's back from these festivals. If she doesn't accept, then she had second thoughts.

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