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Rules or guidelines to FWB??


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So my ex and I broke up, we were friends to start with and are friends now, but we are also still sleeping together. I guess what I'm wondering is are there certain guidelines that people stick to when just being fwb?

For instance he and I talk and text and hang out alot even when not having sex. Also when we do "hook up" it is very gentle and tender and we hold hands and cuddle after and usually he stays after the sex is over. Is this what normal fwb situations work like or is it possible he still has feelings? I guess I just expected the sex and the passion for each other to be different now that we are no longer dating.

Imput greatly appreciated I am sooo confused!!

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I think being in a FWB situation with someone you just broke up with is confusing, in and of itself. You can't expect someone you love and care about to simply stop loving and caring just because you decided you weren't going to carry the label of a couple anymore. But I think since you are "broken up" and still continuing as though you aren't, it keeps everything the same... you just aren't exclusive anymore. Right?

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stressingit thankyou for your reply...he was actually the one who broke up with me, not because things weren't good with us but because he still had left over issues with his ex that needed resolving. It is confusing to say the least and while things aren't exactley as they were during our relationship neither of us are seeing anyone else....things with his ex are resolved now and I guess I'm just not sure what he wants from this

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