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How do u really know if the person likes u?


I have a crush on a classmate and weve been friends for half a year.

We dont talk that often but everytime we meet he would always be the one to first say hi, smile or wave at me.

Sometime, my friend caught him 2 times, secretly glancing at me..

Does it mean anything?

before Christmas, we had a parade and we were assigned

to lead it, i volunteered to bring banners and the boys brought the torches. ( Of all the banner bearers, he escorted me and all troughout the parade, we walked together and of course to not be obvious to him, i shared jokes and some stuffs to make the conversation nice) And he was smiling too. :)

the parade ended at 7 pm and becoz its christmas break, we would not see each other for quite some time and so before going home, i hugged all d friends of myn, then he was also there... and he hugged me :D (but he didnt hug his close girl friend.)

So is there something there?

Its hard to assume you know, because if there is nothing there its a very big disappointment for me.. its very very hurting

But the problem is when i think about happy moments, i cant help but assume :o

Help :confused:

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Don't read anything major into his behavior but judging from the description of his behavior it would seem he is quite fond of you.


However, if his fondness doesn't translate into him asking you out or at least being with you more, it's all for naught. You may have to take the lead here and create more situations where the two of you are doing things together. Ask him to school functions or to a movie on the weekend. If you don't have a car, take the bus or walk.

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