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What would you do? --struggling with 10k mile distance

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So I'm in US, he in India.

I'm 23, he's 22.

Both in school.

He will come here summers, I'll come in winters.

Planning to close the gap in 2 years.


We met one year ago,

started dating 4 months ago,

met first time 3 months ago.


But I'm having a waywaywayway harder time with it than he is.

We trust each other, but I need him here.


Any suggestions?


note - we talk almost all day everyday (literally) on whatsapp so communication isn't a problem

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Skype videocam


Learn the ins and outs of how to travel cheap and visit more often


Be overt about communication and clarification


When someone is half a globe away, it's healthy to accept that choice and go with it. If you 'need' him here right now, then perhaps he's not the man for you. It's your choice. Good luck.

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in an LDR, we have to accept that we cannot meet our SO anything we want but it will make each meeting more meaningful. It is normal to feel to want him near, to feel his touch and the intimacy, but if you really love that person, you will take what you can get. Video chat is really our best friend prior to closing the distance.

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Uh, yea. Start Skyping. I hate to sound like an insensitive person, but unless you are wealthy or have access to money whenever you want to visit more frequently, you need to get on Skype or Facetime or something asap.


I would also concentrate on other things in your life, like school, activities, family something... because that isn't a long distance relationship, that's pure torture. If need more, get on Skype :-) I couldn't do that and call it any relationship other than friendship, but my hat goes off to you and others that can keep a relationship going with that much distance. WOW.

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