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What the hell?!??!?!?

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My b.f. downloaded these songs on his mp3 player....we are dating, things seem to be going well...he said he was over the Ex g.f. but then I find out he downloaded these two songs on his mp3 player.......both are "missing you" "baby come back" songs......he says the ex is a "non-issue" but......why would he download BOTH of these songs in one day...BOTH are the same "theme"......(I found them on his aol.com acct. He knows I have the password, but doesn't know I read his mail on occasion...so if I say something he will know I've been snooping...) BUT..........shouldn't I be concerned with this?? (could he be "testing me" to see if I am reading his email? (knowing if I was..I would probably say something....)

1) Should I be concerned??

2) Do I say something?

3) Let it go? He might be testing my "trust" in him...

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Hmmm I dunno. I can't tell you all the songs I download and love but the lyrics mean nothing to me. I like tons of sad, break-up songs but that doesn't mean I'm not perfectly happy in my relationship. How do you know he doesn't just like these songs? I definitely wouldn't say anything; it will only make you seem insecure and him angry that you checked his e-mail.

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Sal Paradise

I think you are being way too paranoid. You sound extremely insecure and possessive. You're monitoring the songs he downloads. That is insane. That would drive me away if I was in his shoes. You're being way too clingy.


I think you need to calm down. You appear to be looking for any reason to freak out. Has he done anything to cause this? How long have you been a couple?

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Sal Paradise

Furthermore why are you reading his email? If you look hard enough you will find plenty of stuff to make you paranoid. You say things are going well. If they are going well why act psycho? I feel bad for him.

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You're reading too much into it. He most likely just likes the songs.


IMHO the e-mail reading needs to come to a screeching halt. There has to be a level of privacy in a relationship or both will begin to feel as if they have nothing personal left in the relationship.

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I'd dump him immediately. He's got lousy taste in music.


Yours leaves something to be desired as well...and I still keep you around...:laugh:

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LOL about the music (my husband and I are in a never ending battle about that ;D) Imwith ;D


But as for anything else, I think you are readnig FAAAAAAAAAAR to into this and have horrible trust and self confidence issues, we have 600 plus songs on our Ipod and let me tell you listening to even half of the songs we have on there would paint a very very odd picture of us if you just based it on the music (though you can tell who put what songs on there ;D) also reading email, huge no no.


If you can't get over the trust factors, and finding drama where there is none, then its time to get out of this relationshipo

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