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Okay so I know my bf loves me. We are in a long distance relationship we communicate a lot sometimes it's as if he is right here with me. Recently, like a few weeks ago..he was so moody and upset about something, he dint want to tell me but he eventually opened up and told me that a gay friend of his is texting him kinda like asking him out.


He was so upset it saying how can he do this he knows I have a gf and am straight. I know the guy who is trying to hit on my bf. We hang out with him and all. My bf talked to him and told him off to stop texting him and that he has a gf. They agreed and he stopped texting my bf and everything is back to normal. You know guys get over issues pretty fast. My bf forgot about it and still talks to the guy like they did before.


My bf is clueless he thinks the guy doesn't like him anymore just cause they talked it over. But I know the gay guy still like's bf. My bf just can't see it since he like doesn't care. I know my bf is not gay but I feel so insecure when he mentions that guys name and all..or says the guy asked for a ride..for some reason I keep thinking my bf is going to turn gay or something. Ever since am never the same. I just keep thinking what if my bf is gay and I can't stop my thoughts and it's ruining our relationship. I don't know how to help myself.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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First of all, I don't think you have anything to stress yourself over with. I understand your concern, but he's given you no reason to doubt him.


And, look on the bright side, if he does come out as gay, at least you know the problem wasn't with you :bunny:

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You would have cause for concern if your BF was bi or gay BUT he is neither of those. If the friend makes a pass at him all he is going to get is a black eye from your BF. There is no way your BF is going to "fall victim" to this guy.


As for the guy.....he gave it a shot, he got shot down, he realizes his mistake, and has respectfully backed off. He isn't going to go there ever again, because a boundary has been set.


We have had many threads here where a gay person wants to reveal their feels for a straight friend. It's pretty normal.

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