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I cheated on my boyfriend....

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I cheated on my boyfriend with a colleague at work.... I've been with my boyfriend now for almost two years, and everything seems to be going alright. He loves me, and cares about me, and would do anything for me... but somehow somethign is missing in our relationship, we cannot communicate. He doesn't like to speak on an intellectual level, most of the time he jokes around and acts like a child. Even when I try to talk to him there is nothing I could do to get him to talk to me. He's a quiet guy... So there's this guy from work, and I've known him for a year now, at the beginning it was just strictly friendship, because the both of us has a boyfriend/girlfriend, but later on we started to hang out more and realized that we do have feelings for each other. I suppose he excites me. I told my boyfriend that I needed some time off beause I feel so guilty for what I've done. Do you think that I should try a relationship with my coworker since I took a break from my boyfriend? :bunny:

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Believe me girl, I know your situation all to well!!!! I also cheated on my boyfriend with a co-worker. We all three worked in the same place!!!! Imagine the drama that went on. The other made me feel like a real person and could relate to him. But, I ended up staying with my boyfriend. If I had it to do over again, I would have chose the other guy. So, if I were you, I would go for it. If you diden't have feelings for this guy it would have never happened in the first place. Just try it out and see what kind of feelings are there. I hope I helped a little and good luck and have fun!!!!!!!!



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If you are very sure the other guy is more suitable for you, then go ahead since you are not married after all.

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