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Cheating..Well thats what he calls it

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Ok im with this guy and this is the third time we got together..last time we broke up is because something happened with 1 of my guy friends..i let him go down my pants..and i genuinly love my boyfriend..but he wont forgive me and it seems like theres nothing i can do..cause he saysthis isnt a forgivable topic..i really truly love him but should i get over him or continue loving him?

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Just A Girl2

Um, there's no question there, letting some guy "go down your pants" while you're in a relationship with someone else (read: your boyfriend), uh yep, that's definitely cheating.


You say you really love your boyfriend, yet you let some other guy go down your pants? LOL Come on now. Either you don't know much about love or your definition is very screwed up.


I don't blame your boyfriend at all. Knowing your girlfriend was fooling around with some other guy is hard to take, and he likely doesn't trust you any longer, which is understandable.


You ask US (strangers on the internet) if you should continue loving your boyfriend? Well, see..you obviously don't know what love really is, because it's not like a TAP that you turn off and on when you feel like it.


And this isn't so much about what you should do, because based on the fact that you don't have much respect for your body and your boyfriend, I'd say the ball is in his court, for HIM to decide whether he wants to continue being with someone (you) who can't be trust, who lets guys get into her pants.


I'm assuming you're really young?

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For most people, betrayal is something they just can't get over. Forgive yourself, move on, and learn that every action has a consequence.


You should also change your pants.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yea it is cheating and that is hard for someone to take...your boyfriend prolly wobnt be able to trust you know and that's understandable. My advice is a quote that I heard a long time ago...






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