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Will the love for my x ever go away

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I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years. I love him but always in the back of my head is my x. I can't get him out of my head. I still love him. And have started talking to him


My X is the type of guy who is some what a player but I was the only one who could make him stop and he loved me. Now he wants me back and I want him. What should I do.


Please Help

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I think that you need to let this boyfriend of yours know how you feel.


Just a little insight... I don't think you can "stop" him(the ex). If he was like that before he will be like that again. Just will take some time and then he " will be back to his old trix"


I honestly feel bad for the boyfriend right now..... you need to make a decision sooner or later. Thats for sure...and don't string this guy along like that. Its not right!


Just my thoughts..


Good luck

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Your ex wants you back because there's nothing else going on in his life. There were excellent reasons why the two of you broke up and there's a very good chance those reasons still exist.


I think there's some unfinished business or lessons to be learned here. Go back with your ex, learn them, and then move forward with your life.


In any case, you need to get away from your current boyfriend because you're obviously not into that in the way you should be.

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Your ex was the player, player and you were the only one that could make him stop. That must make you feel "special". That's why you want to back with him, because you feel like you were the best thing in his life, he made you feel needed, you were the thing that changed him around, someone significant in his life. All too often we hear of celebrities in the media that were running around, playing around and carrying on, and someone came into their life and just make them stop all of that. It sounds kind of romantic, doesn't it? It may not necessarily be.


Before you go back to your ex you need to ask yourself some hard questions: what is it that your ex has that your current boyfriend has? After all, you've been with him for the past 2 years so your current boyfriend cannot be all that bad. Why do you want to go back to your ex? Saying you love is his not enough. Love is not all it takes to make a relationship work neither is good sex. How would you feel if you dumped your current boyfriend for your ex and you get with your ex and you and your ex break up....again? How do you know that your ex feelings or intentions are geniune? See, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

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Yeah I had a bf like that too...that would "Only not play me..."


Then I helped him get a cute little convertible while he drove it to get some 18 year old pregnant. Oh yeah and also found out that I'm "psychotic over him and he actually had to put me into Brentwood bc of a break up we had."


Get over yourself...no one is THAT special to him, except him. You are just setting yourself up for more heartache...trust me, I know. I did it for 2 years.

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Go with your gut feeling.

Either way, you need to stop dating the guy you are dating now....because you are obviously not in love with him.

By the amount of time that you have spent with him....you should have a sense of love...

so, whatever you decide to do with you X....sooner or later you are going to have to move on from you current boyfriend..because you don't love him


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LOL I just realized none of you probably know what Brentwood is...it's a mental hospital.

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