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What if I don't use OLD?


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I was wondering if anyone has had continued success in their 30's without use of OLD? I really want to pack in the whole idea of finding someone online and get back to real life dating. I had a OLD profile on and off for last four years with limited success. I received a lot of attention on sites but nothing that turned out worthy of the effort. Two casual relationships in which both wanted to keep their OLD options open for something possibly better and a handful of great men that just were the wrong fit. I miss the old school way of dating as in running into someone, mutual attraction, phone calls, fantastic first date (already knowing there is mutual interest/attraction). On the other hand beinng realistic, I'm in my 30's, and options are dwindling. Thoughts? Luck?

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While I have been on this site for some time and many have argued about the “OLD vs RL” meeting people conundrum I frankly don’t think it matters because the overall culture has been affected by the “swipe left” socially detached mentality.


I miss the old school way of dating as in running into someone, mutual attraction, phone calls, fantastic first date


I miss those days too... BUT those days are gone. I know someone might say “I have experienced that recently” that is just like every other rare phenomenon. People do on occasion win the lottery.


While things might go well for someone initially, there are too many options for individuals and the result is people are far more reluctant to completely invest in anybody. The shine of relationships wears off more quickly these days and peoples tolerance dwindles quickly too.

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I've never used OLD and I'm well over 30. All of my relationships have been organic and Ive no desire to ever use OLD. I guess those of us stuck in the last century find enough kindred spirits to get by. I've never understood the idea of needing to reach a broad audience with a dating profile. Just how many partners do you want? I only need 1, I'm confident I can find it out there in the real world without advertising myself on the internet.

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Partly location, employment, extroversion. If you work in a large social place, and live in an apartment with many people, and like to chat it up, then you can...


I lean toward OLD, but have options in real life, selection is powerful, so I lean heavily toward OLD. I just don't feel attraction to half of the women. All the while having a little jealousy for those living in the recently gentrified inner cities that we didn't have 2 decades ago. Big difference when you live rural.

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I was wondering if anyone has had continued success in their 30's without use of OLD? I really want to pack in the whole idea of finding someone online and get back to real life dating. I had a OLD profile on and off for last four years with limited success. I received a lot of attention on sites but nothing that turned out worthy of the effort. Two casual relationships in which both wanted to keep their OLD options open for something possibly better and a handful of great men that just were the wrong fit. I miss the old school way of dating as in running into someone, mutual attraction, phone calls, fantastic first date (already knowing there is mutual interest/attraction). On the other hand beinng realistic, I'm in my 30's, and options are dwindling. Thoughts? Luck?


I don't have an answer for you, except that I am in the exact same situation. I am educated, successful, in good shape, a good heart, etc. I am in my early 30s and have done online dating for three years before I recently said "enough of this". It has resulted in a few hookups, but no success whatsoever finding a long-term relationship. I would differ with the previous poster in that whether you look for a person online versus in real life matters a great deal. The people I tended to meet through online dating were people who did not have their act together. They were not high quality women. Another thing about online dating is that people are always looking for the next best thing because of the endless options. People go out on one date and then jump right back on the dating app. And it becomes an endless cycle. I'm out of that scene altogether. Statistically, most people still form romantic relationships offline, so I just have to hope that I'll be one of those people one day. I do think there's a lot of luck involved. I am thinking about relocating to a city that has a higher population of singles to better my odds. I know that online dating isn't the answer, though. True, it brought me in contact with people I wouldn't have encountered otherwise, but what's the point when you're just going out on tons of dates without finding a relationship? The whole thing is dumb.

Edited by Redguitar35
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Adopt hobbies where you can meet women. Go and study something you're interested in, but don't let it be something like "engines" or "aviation". Try more like social studies, arts, baking, or other places where there's female majority.

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Could also depend on where you are. I have heard that OLD is used much more in the US than here in Australia.

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Supermarket. (Said it before, maybe more than once)


Study the exotic fruit intently... Hands on hips or clasped behind your back in a scholarly but boyish way.


It`s also vital what else your trolley contains...


No `preparation H` or `Shoe horns`



Good luck.

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