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How have you gone from dating to being "in a relationship"


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How, in your experience, have you gone from dating to being in a proper relationship? Is it after a certain amount of dates? It really confuses me were the line is.

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Yeah it does a lot of people. I'd say around the 1 month - 3 months mark of regular dates you are both reasonably happy with.


Some call it relationship as soon as there is sex because they don't like the ambiguity but I think that's a mistake

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Will preface by saying that I think the answers are generational…

Not about sex… that is number one…



It’s about tone, people who are initially really into each other (I’m not talking about some silly love haze or bliss state) will slowly get use to each other, there is a comfort to a “relationship”. How you talk to each other, greet each other, communicate is there mutual respect… nothing is forced, no mental complications or ambiguity.



For example anyone posting on a site like this “wondering” about stuff or what their significant other is doing or not doing or not saying that is NOT a “relationship”. But that comes with self-confidence and knowing exactly what you want in or from a relationship. Also in my experience if you are with someone who has NEVER been in any sort of cohesive relationship (unless very young, this is the generational thing) they likely will almost always have one foot outside the “relationship.”




Communication is critical. Mutual understanding...

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