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Will this come off as insecure?


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I have been dating this girl. I know she is attracted to me. We talked for long time on phone. Text here and there.


I am curious as to whether she is dating/talking to anyone else?


Would I look insecure if I asked her that in person? We have only been on 2 dates so far..


I feel like I should wait a little longer to ask, but what do you think?


And when I do ask, when is the best time?

Edited by Jenu88
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I've dated guys who told me within 1-2 dates that they prefer to date just one person at a time and that they don't like it when the other person multi-dates. They didn't straight up ask me what I was doing, but I certainly got the hint, and I respected their position. I am not sure when you should say something to this girl, as it depends on what kind of rapport you've got going with her. Do it whenever the moment feels right.

Edited by SpiralOut
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Asking for information is an authoritative thing to do, not insecure. Saying you want to be exclusive after only 2 dates is a bit fast.

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Don't ask. Yes it will come across as very insecure. As long as you are not exclusive assume she may be in touch with other prospects. Give it another couple of dates then tell her you would like to be exclusive.


Here's the thing. If she likes you as much as you like her it will unfold positively for you no matter if she has 1-2 other guys on the back burner. If she picks to go with another guy it means she was not that into you after all and there is nothing you can do about this, and knowing if she is talking or seeing other men will not change anything for you at this point.

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