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How to ask out someone while shopping?


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During brief connections at a grocery or department store interactions last less than a minute so how do you ask someone out? or ask for their number?


shopping at a Target last week I saw a pretty girl who asked me if I could reach up and grab something for her. I did. we smiled. i asked about her purchases and we parted.


we saw passed by each other a few more times at the store. polite smiles both ways.


we both have shopping to do

I am still a stranger to her

there are other people around us also shopping


Can i just ask a stranger i just met if she would like to hang out sometime? ask for her number?

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You need to go to a social etiquette class! Of course you can!


You: Sure, I'd be happy to get that box of Tide for you. Here you go.


She: Thank you.


You: You're very welcome. My name is barbossa. What is your name?


She: Matilda.


You: Nice to meet you Matilda. It's not often I get to meet such an attractive stranger here at the Target.


She: Oooh, thank you. It's not often I get to meet such a tall and attractive man!


You: If you have a little time, can I buy you a pretzel and a coke at the snack bar? Maybe we could get acquainted.


She: Actually, I'm in a bit of a hurry.


You: Sure, I understand perfectly. Raincheck?


She: That would be nice.


You: Here, take my business card. I'd love it if you could give me a call sometime. In fact, if you have your mobile with you, you could call me right now, and I promise to call you back. Is tomorrow too soon?




Of course, in my ideal and simplified scenario, you got the girl easily. It won't always go that way.


But nothing ventured, nothing gained. Like with all activities, the more you practice, the better you'll get, and the more success you'll find.


Good luck!

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Really, the only way you can do that on a momentary meeting is if you have a party to ask her to attend but not as your date. This means that to pull this off, you have to already be a social person with the ability to throw together a backyard bash or whatever in seven days' time. Being very unnervous and just casual, say something like, Hey, are you from around here? I'm inviting as many girls as possible to my party next week. If you're interested, here's my number. That's all you can do and the beauty is if she's not interested, there's no awkward excuse, just she won't contact you.

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many of those places have some place you can get a coffee or a coke. Ask if she would allow you to treat her to one, right there in the store right then. Talk for a bit then ask for the number. If she's too busy ask for the # so you can ask her out properly for a time that she isn't rushed. Don't get freaked if for safety reasons she asks for your #

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You need to break the person out of their shopping shell.


Ask the persons opionion on a particular item.


Or ask then if they know where any movie theatres are around the place, then ask them if they've seen a movie playing. Then both start talking about movies in general

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As a girl I wonder if guys think about this. I have had encounters like this before where I have had a brief interaction with a guy and really wanted him to ask for my number but he just didn't do it. I think most definitely it's something that you should do!


The trick is trying to not come off as a player. If I were in that situation I would say just try and ask her some questions. If she lives around the area...If she has any other plans for the day...etc. Just some small talk to see if she seems interested enough to talk to you. I would just ask for her number at the the end of the convo. If you can tell she is into you most likely she is really wanting you to ask her out. Good luck on your next adventure! :D

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