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how should i feel/react after a "special" night???


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I've been dating this guy and we finally had sex for the first time. I enjoyed it and I think he did too. He was really sweet, telling me that I was beautiful... but all guys say that in the heat of the moment, don't they?? I left in the middle of the night. He called the next day and said that he couldn't fall asleep after I left. It was not a convenient time to talk so I told him that I'll call him back & he says "alright, bye baby". I called but got his machine so I left a message. I tried calling an hour later but he didn't pick up either. I haven't heard from him for almost 2 days now. what should I make of this? Do y'all think I meant something to him or just another piece of a**?! I'm hesitant to call - pleeeease help!

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Ah, just call him.


He called you afterwards. If he was just looking to get laid, that wouldn't have happened.


And no, during sex, guys don't just randomly shout out compliments unless they're meant.

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i say don't call him. you've already tried twice; let him make the effort now.


how old are you? how old is your guy? it may depend.


however, if you were in a committed, exclusive, romantic, relationship before the sex, you can call.


i know many guys in their 20s who do worry about "post coital psychosis"; hopefully this guy is more mature.

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Ugh. I'm sorry you're going through this. But I wouldn't jump to conclusions too quickly. There could be a lot of reasons for the lack of a phone call that have nothing to do with you.

Really, you have two options. You can just go about your life and wait for him to make the next move. Or you can try to drop him a line again. I'd probably go ahead and call and see what's up. There's no harm in giving him a call after you haven't heard from him in two days to see how he's doing.

Good luck!

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after my first time i needed alot of reasurence from my girl, like lots, after it happened for the first time it was like the hardest week we ever had in our relationship.


but we knew we loved each other and we worked it out.


I suppose if hes as sensative as i was, it would have hurt him that you were busy even if you were its not your fault he just may have taken it the wrong way. He might need some reassurence from you.

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Thanks for all your input! I got myself a drink and called again. He sounded fine and gave me a positive feeling about our relationship. He's in his early 30's and so am I. I had my doubts since we met online and we never discussed being exclusive with each other.

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