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Do you believe it is possible to reconnect with someone who pretty much blew you off completely or is the first sign of "he/she is not into" or a a red flag pretty much nail in the coffin?


I kind of want to experiment but my big fear is that the person might think I'm stalking/super creeper. I figured I'd send a text and basically ask "How are things?" And get the ball rolling. Basically where we left off last time (2 months ago) is that she texted me she would call me the next day and when that day came I didn't receive a call. She pretty much had everything else but she was flaky so I pretty much wrote it off as flakiness or she thought I was a disgusting beast.

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Not in text, only in person. You cant show your great personality in text after a 2 month blowoff. And assume that she will remember what she didnt like about you the first time. Really should wait as year. Shouldnt be thinking about her anyway, you need to get out and find a new one.

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