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Is three years a lot?

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I just got involed with this guy I met. He's 20 (three years older than I) , does that seem like a big difference in age? It seems like that to me, but of course i have only dated guys my age and a year older.









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I really think it all depends on the people in the relatioship. My boyfriend (ex at the moment) is 3 years older then me, and age has nothing to do with our relatihip. We are equals in that matter. Every relationship is defferent, if you and he dont see any problems with it then dont worry about it. I have always dated older men, i have found them to be more mature.


That just my thoughts!



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So, you're 17? As long as you are legal age in whatever state you are in, it's ok. If not, be careful and maybe hold off on the sex till you are 18. Even if you love him, your parents could get nasty and press charges.


Many women date older men because they are more mature. When I was 18 I dated a 24 year old.....now I am 23 and he is 29. So, 3 years difference isn't a big deal.

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