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Social networking ettiquite


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So I recently met this girl on Facebook and have been talking to her a considerable amount on there and once in a while in person (if I see her in passing at school). She keeps sending longer and longer facebook PMs leading me on. I never got her phone number and we are both at home for winter break(hundreds of miles away). Her most recent PM strongly indicates she is interested in me, just as I am in her. Does it come off as too creepy to ask her number and/or ask her if she wants to do something when school starts back up again thru facebook?


All opinions welcome :)

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i would advise you not to use facebook to ask girls out, she might get the wrong idea and wonder how many other girls you have asked out on facebook, also, she might think of you as less confident. instead, i would say something casual, like, "i'd like to hang out sometime after break" and ask if you can have her number to call her to hang out. that should do it. either hang out with her as planned or call her up after break and ask her out on a formal date.

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