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Roommate hangs out with ex girlfriend


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I just need to vent a little. So I am a sophomore at college and I met my roommate and we became pretty close. I began dating a girl last year and we ended up being part of a friend group. We broke up on good terms and everything in April. We still havent completely let each other go but my roommate continues to hang out at her suite on weekends and drink with her and her suitemates while I stay in or hang with other people. I dont go because I dont want any set backs. I have never told him not to hang out with her but I cant help but feel a bit of resentment towards him because they arent THAT close or anything. Pretty much all of my other friends are on my side and things sometimes get awkward between my roommate and I. My best friends from home would never hang out with my ex and I wouldnt do that to my friends. I may be in the wrong but it has made moving on more difficult.

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Er... you broke up and, as it seems, on good terms. They are part of the same group of friends. They don't have to be that close to hang out.


I hang out with people's exes all the time, if we are friends/became friends during the course of the relationship.


Let it go. It has nothing to do with sides. Your roommate is not taking a side, because there are no sides to take. He's both your friend and hers.Particularly because you broke up on good terms.

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You are part of a group. It doesn't sound like it was a very serious dating relationship. If it was, then your close friends would know that and should respect it. But the way you tell it, just sounds like you dated and no big deal and it's not going anywhere, and now she's dating around. Now, I'd be the first person to tell you to cut out any friends who make a habit of moving in on your crushes or dates. But this just doesn't sound that serious for you to care. But if you do notice one guy who seems to always hang around like a vulture, cut him out.

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