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stuck between two men who are friends


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My friend from college Kelly introduced me to her two guy friends from high school. Mike and Tyler. Really nice guys and they are best friends. I went out with them one night with Kelly and we had a fun time. Mike was very funny and talkative. Tyler was talkative to mike and Kelly who he knows very well, but I found him shy towards me. Mike is a nice guy but not my type at all. Tyler on the other hand is very attractive but I didn't give it much thought since he was shy. Later on when I got home mike messaged me asking to see me again soon almost like asking me out. I told him I was busy etc... I am not interested in mike. We had only met that night and I found it very forward.


We all met up and went out again this weekend.


Tyler surprised me as he was super friendly right away. He and I talked a lot and laughed and had a fun time. At one point one of our friends got sick and we had to go to the bar to get her some pain killers. It was a packed house but tyler was like "hey Alex come with me to the bar", he didn't need me to go with him but he asked. We weren't flirting we just got along really well. He's cute. Kelly had to walk our sick friend home so I had to drive and pick her up. Mike and Tyler offered to go with me since it was late at night so I wasn't alone. At one point tyler walked next to me and mike was next to him. Then mike crossed in back of us to purposely walk next to me really close. I was in between them and I could tell mike wanted that. To me, Tyler wasn't really trying very hard as Mike was.


Then It was bizarre because after a while of walking to my car which was far away mike started walking fast in front of us a distance leaving tyler and I walking side by side. Tyler and I werent flirting or anything and talking was casual. In the car though we were talking about theatre and good shows to go see and tyler was like "oh well mike likes this show and that show", he was being funny but it also seemed like he was promoting Mike. I found it his weird because out at the bar tyler and I had a lot in common and seemed to hit it off together and he didn't mention mike at all.


Now the next day mike is talking to me on Facebook and trying to chat me up. He told me I was a really cool girl and we talked about TV shows. He is a nice guy but not my type. He is the type of guy who really wants a nice girlfriend and is really forward about it. Like he will ask you out after a short time of knowing you. And he asked my friend kelly out a year ago and she turned him down and he asked another friend of hers out before that. Such a turn off.


Now tyler is cute, nice and more my type. I mentioned this issue to kelly and she then told me that while tyler and I were hanging out at the bar talking a lot that mike was saying "oh look at them talking. They would be good together. They look good together." And "well aren't they chummy together." Kelly thinks mike was saying this out of jealousy. She said he had a bad attitude about it. I was oblivious to this.


Kelly said she thinks mike is jealous and he is known to be mad about girls who aren't interested in him. He was like that with Kelly a year ago.Now I feel bad. I don't know how tyler feels. Its clear how mike feels. He keeps trying to talk to me.


I feel like because they are good friends this makes things awkward. And if mike makes it known to tyler that he likes me then tyler will back off because they are friends even though I don't like mike I kind of like tyler. This is so comlicated and I should just keep both of them as friends and find a guy outside of my realm of friends.

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This is so comlicated and I should just keep both of them as friends and find a guy outside of my realm of friends.

Yup, don't date any of the guys in the group of friends. Find someone else.

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