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The Problem with Friendships


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Just looking at the posts lately. A lot of us are having problems with our friends lately. Why do yo think that is. Are we too demanding. Are peoples personality really shifting so that we can't get along with them?


Are some of us single and our Friends are taking over the role as emotional support system that our SO would be doing if we were attached.


I take the word friend to a high meaning. Someone that I interact with on a regular basis. So someone that lives in the city that I does not make an effort with me, on their end. Is not really a friend to me.


Friends to me in town should be interacting on a 3 to 6 weeks basis. Out of town friends every 2 -3 months. Even if the out of town friend is being interacted with by Facebook/E-mail.


I just don't see why any of us should be having problems with friends. Also when it comes to money. I cap everything off at $100 now. No lending more money than that. If they need more than that. They will have to go and ask a bunch of friends. No guilt trip or crying. Whats the worst they are going to do. Say they can't be friends.


Anyways. We here on this board have to take responsibility over who are real friends are. Those that can't interact with us in positive way get rolled over to acquaintances or we just don't talk to them at all.

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i am realizing that freinsdships do not last, people change that is why, very dissolutioned twice this year, one blabbermouth and one snob, two people i grew to trust, meh

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Darkmoon. Keep on believing in Friendships. Just leave the flakey behind.



i am a woman of 60, i know perfectly well from experience that things go wrong, people change, no do not expect more from friends than passing fun


you seem to put friends on a pedestal wholesale, i think you are chasing unicorns

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