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How often do you hangout with your friends?


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How often do you typically hangout with your friends? I have a core group of girls that I met in college, and am now graduated. These are the main people I hangout with. Sometimes we hangout 3 times a week and sometimes once every two weeks. Ever since my boyfriend and I broke up, I miss that constant interaction with someone and feel like a loner if I don't talk or see friends every day. I might just need to find other hobbies/activities to fill my down time from work, because I feel very alone.

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I think seeing your friend 3 times a week is a bit too much? Especially when everyone has their own job and that. It can't go like that forever, but since you mentioned you just broke up with your boyfriend, I guess it's fairly normal to need to interact with people.


I'd say try to fill your life with hobbies you can do alone, or go out and meeting other people. Learn to be single, and try meeting with your girl friends once a week ;) (Some may even say once a week is too much, but I don't have a boyfriend either, and a girl needs to have her fun on a Friday night eh?)

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