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Hi, I've read the forums for a little while but this is my first thread :)


I've had a bit of an odd situation earlier today and I'm not sure what to make of it. Two years ago I was on an evening course for work (all attendees work for the same company) and I met a man who I got along really well with. He's married with children so it was all platonic, we just clicked.


Anyway, after the course ended that was it. Then about 5 months ago - through work - I bumped into him again and he asked me to stay for a chat once I'd finished my business in the building. Turned out he was doing the job I want to apply for had wanted to find out more about, so he suggested I shadow him. Over the last 3 months I've seen him most weeks and we still get on really well and have become friends.


Fast forward to earlier and we were talking about theatre - a shared interest - and offered him a spare ticket to a play I'm going to next week. Another friend was coming with me, but then could no longer make it so told me to find someone else and not worry about the money for the ticket. I'd asked all friends who I thought might be interested but no one could make it, so I thought nothing of offering it to him...He said he'd love to go a few times, but as he's moving house next week and not started packing, it might be difficult but he'd let me know. That was fine.


Later I happened to mention it to two other work colleagues (who don't have anything to do with him) and their reaction has made me a bit paranoid. They essentially said that I'd asked him out and if he were their husband, he wouldn't be going. I explained that he goes for coffee on his lunch hour with female friends and his wife has no problem with it, so why would that be any different? Even my mother said it might be inappropriate. Ever since then I've felt a bit funny about it...he sent me an email this afternoon - a day after the invite - saying something about work, then thanking me for the invitation but it'd be tricky with the house 'as he said'.


Sorry, I've gone on a bit of a ramble, but ever since then I've felt like it's been made more of than I ever intended it to be and I thought I'd get some fresh eyes/opinions!

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For what it's worth, I agree with the others--coffee during lunch hour and theatre after-hours are two very different things.

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i'd have to agree with the rest

having lunch with a bunch of colleagues is quite normal but going to the theatre alone with him is def a lot more intimate

if you enjoy his company, maybe you can organize a party or dinner get together and invite him and his wife along

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