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Being nice is bad? What's the world coming to? Will I change?


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I met this girl through a friend (male) since about a year ago, at the time my friend was going out with her. Since the moment I saw her I knew there was something that attracts me to her. Something I cannot put my finger on. Their relationship didn't work out after 2 weeks they went their seperate way. Since then I keep in touch with her everynow and again through text message. She appears in my head often when I'm not thinking of anything specific.


One night over the summer I told her I had feeling for her but she insist that I would like her other friend (female) because I knew her friend (female) before I knew her. In long story short it's a "no". We agreed that nothing would change between our friendship and we still keep in touch. Last week when one of my other friend (female) asked her about me. She said I'm too nice. I admit I'm nicer when it comes to people I like, like most of us would be towards people we know. I don't know what to do. I'm not the most conversation active kind of person. I see myself as mature and takes life quite seriously.


Should I change my attitude a little? Should I be the same person? Is she interested in me or just saying that I'm too nice as a gentle way of saying "not interested"? Please give some advice for my next action.. Thanks

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Yes, in this case 'too nice' means, 'not interested'. Don't use the fact that this girl wants to be just friends as an excuse to change - if you are a respectful and kind person continue to be just that and some girl will be attracted to those qualities in the end.


As for the next action for the 'too nice' girl. Zero. Don't do anything, don't chase her just be friends if it doesn't make you too crazy. Nice is good, like sugar it's sweet and appealing but some people go for 'spicy'; you can't appeal to everyone and you obviously don't appeal to her. Give it up.




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