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Leecher for a friend

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My friend who I will refer to as John has been kind enough to invite me to go to the arcade with him twice, and he even provided a ride. However, when we showed up he'd "forget his money" so I, although disappointed and reluctant, paid for both myself and John for admission and for all the gaming. This has happened twice. On the second time we went to Burger King and I had even paid for his meal too. After we ordered I used a cell phone to let my mom know where I was. But while I was on the phone I had noticed my friend ate my food "and it was an accident because he was so hungry and lost focus". I only got one burger out of the deal (we had ordered four burgers).


Point is, I want to tell John that I feel he owes me a monetary compensation. I found it rude that he would show up both times with no money and expect me to pay his way for everything. While that may not seem like a big deal I was really upset that despite me even paying for his food, he ate that too. He is becoming the lightness in my wallet and I don't like it. How should I approach him?

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he either has a money problem (if he' eating food off your plate) or he simply IS using you to get money. Ask him if he's having problems with money, etc.


Try to help him out in other ways, if that's the case. Providing info. to get a second job or a course to manage his finances.

Don't lend him anymore money or buy him anymore meals until you figure out what really is going on.



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