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worried about consequences of my actions


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im rele good friends with this guy, we've been best friends for about a year, and recently he got a girlfriend. she added me on msn, and we talk occasionally.

the other day i was having some problems with my best friend, and somehow started talking to his girlfriend about it. we decided that if he knew we'd been talking about him he'd be really angry, so thought we shud keep it quiet.

now shes worried that if he asks her if shes been talking to me, shes going to have to lie to him and say no.

now i feel like im making her lie to him, and i dont know what to do. im so worried that he'll find out and get angry.

we werent talking about him in a bad way, like bitching or anything, just he had done something and i was a little upset, and his girlfriend was just saying she knew how i felt and understood, and suggesting things to fix it.

im worried that he'll say something to her about something i said to him, and if ive told her too she'll just go 'oh yeah she mentioned it' by accident, and he'll get suspicious as to what we've been talking about.

me and my best friend fight quite a lot as it is, and something like this could blow up into something massive so easily.

what do i do to calm all this down? nothing's happened of yet, the other day was the first time we really talked about him but im just so worried as to what might happen! help!

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Uhmm it shouldn't be such a big deal, so you befriended his gf and talked about your problem I don't see why there's a need to sweep this under a rug

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