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Wage Freeze, No Retro Pay?

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So, I have been at my present company for 5 years now, and I love it a lot! but heres the thing. Right before i was about to get my raise the company laid off a lot of employees and is now presently at a stand still with all raises.. which of course is a wage freeze! So, today I found out that the company will not give me retro pay for the past six months. I think it is very unfair that they keep me at my same wage and not even consider giving me back pay.


On one hand I want to say something. but on the other hand I dont want to lose my job.. what do you think about the situation

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To clarify:


You're saying that they promised you a raise, starting 6 months ago - but to date they have not increased your pay?

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Are you union or does your company have any contractual obligation to increase your wages? Were there increased responsibilities six months ago?

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If it isn't in writing or in your employment contract, it's likely as good as carbon dioxide.


That said, it wouldn't hurt to clarify things with the person who exhaled six months ago :)


From my numerous dealings with the government, I generally don't believe a word they say unless it's in writing and signed. Even then, I run the important stuff past my lawyer. People lie like I change boxerbriefs...

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