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More of a Christian or less than Christian?

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I'm looking for a Christian woman, but I've seem to come across women, though rather good catches, seem to take issue with language at certain entertainment venues.


Like me, I like a good comedy stand-up. I went to see a rather popular comedian the other night and interestingly enough, I bumped into someone I knew there who was Christian as well. Was kind of surprised to see her there actually, considering the reputation of said comedian. She thought he was a riot.


I was kind of surprised that she was there...considering her belief system. She thought the guy was hilarous, but there was some profanity and a lot of "visuals" if you get my meaning.


I was peeing in my pants laughing, (God forgive me, I guess? LOL). But that's all it is, it's entertainment. It's called having fun.


Does that make me "less Christian" if I enjoy it without that kind of thing offending me?


Should I find a Christian woman that doesn't have a problem with such things? Because I know of quite a few. But then I come across those that won't go to anything unless it has a G-rating. *shrug* go figure.


Honestly though, could this be a deal breaker for them if they find out I take no issue with such types of entertainment?

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This sounds like a personal question masked as a relationship one. Sounds like you are asking for permission to be who you are even though you think it conflicts with your religion.


I would talk to your pastor to see if you can resolve this conflict in yourself.

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Rejected Rosebud

why is "more" or "less" of a Christian even a question here? You think you are a Christian and you like this type of comedy, probably there are more like you. Probably dating one would be a good idea for you. Did you ask her out??;)

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Does that make me "less Christian" if I enjoy it without that kind of thing offending me?

No. It just means that the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in you --- as it relates to this particular subject/topic. (Ref. John 14:30)


The Christ-goal actually is that we become equally transparent to every single thing or circumstance or event, so that we do not have any bias, preference or dislike -- judgment -- at all left within any aspect or level of our Being. (Ref: Matthew 7:1)

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